While traveling, Price met a man named,
Bubble George, at a campground in Key West,
Florida. He was stationed there for the winter,
living out of his van, and spending his time
blowing bubbles. Bubble George recognized
that life should be fun, and blowing bubbles is
one of the simple joys in life that never fails
to induce smiles. The interaction brought Price
so much joy so the two became friends, and
Bubble George gifted her her very own
bubble wand.
When she returned to Harrisonburg after her winter travels. Price put the bubble wand to use one hot summer afternoon while sitting by the Dry Run stream with dear friends, Brooke and Katie. The fun, bubble-filled evening quickly turned into a photoshoot and transpired into an art project we called "Bubbles by the Burg". With this project in mind, we spent the summer capturing Harrisonburg through the perspective of a bubble, and we got some of our creative pals involved as well. We spent several days frolicking the city streets, country roads, and nature spots with bubble wands and cameras in our hands. Our spur-of-the-moment art idea turned into a fun collaboration that allowed some child-like creativity and some memorable moments.
Artist Brooke Imber, Katie Curcio, Andrew DeVier-Scott, Price Crenshaw and Joaquin Sosa displayed their work for the month of September at Three Notched Valley Collab House. The opening night event was serenated by the jams of local band Bloo Lagoon and paired with a locally brewed coffee saison called, "Bubble's by the burg." This amazing event esposed 300+ community member to the joy and child like wonder of bubbles. Resulting in Price being known as the Bubble lady and shortly after the business Bubble's by the burg LLC was born.